?me?, you and I are sort of in the same boat, only up until early Dec I went to EVERY meeting and at least every other Saturday in FS. For over 3 years I did my damndest to get appointed a MS, but no dice. I was good enough to do all kinds of maintenance and upgrades to the Hall, read and pray at the CBS, handle mics, stage, and sound for all meetings, handle the English and Spanish marquee sign outside, go to all quick builds, go to Katrina relief efforts, but not good enough to pray at other meetings or read the WT (even though I get plenty of compliments on my reading). Hell, for awhile they wouldn't even put me in the front school for the TMS and were giving me #2 talks!! I was getting bored fast. Ironically, almost immediately after my fade began, I was given a #4. Damn shame I missed the meeting that night...
The Last Nephilim
JoinedPosts by The Last Nephilim
What is your current status with the Watchtower Society and Congregation?
by RULES & REGULATIONS ini'm a baptized member considered ''inactive.
'' i don't hand in ''service reports'',attend maybe 3 meetings a month,ain't signed up for the ministry school and will never attend any convention or the ''book study.
'' always make the ''memorial.
Jesus was a false prophet....
by dawg ini posted this on another thread, but if you read matthew 24, we see that jesus was indeed a false prophet... he doesn't give the day or hour of the end times but he says that this generation will not pass away until all these things occur... and what generation was he talking about?
he was talking to his diciples and telling them you will see this and that and thus and such....especially take a gander at matt 24: 33-36...jesus thought he was living in the last days and that he would come down from a cloud from the heavens...that stars would fall from the sky, and the like... just read it and tell me what you think.
i wonder if jesus was an essene, they thought they were living in the end of time, in fact they predicted a messiah would come during their days... .
The Last Nephilim
So Islam is the way to go? Buddhism maybe??
Once again atheism is the logical and reasonable choice... -
in defense of the Holy Trinity
by potentialJWconvertswife ini need some help on the holy trinity.
my husband is studying with the witnesses (he's not one of them yet), and is totally buying into the idea that god, jesus and the holy spirit are all separate, not (as i've tried to explain) separate, but also one in the trinity.
i have pointed out the scriptures in john that reference god as the word, and then jesus as the word later.
The Last Nephilim
I agree with stillanexjwelder. The trinity doctrine requires more twisting and "reading into" certain scriptures to become believable. The only words that Jesus spoke that comes even remotely close to describing the trinity were, "I and the Father are one", which, after reading the context, clearly shows that he was NOT speaking about literal "oneness", but rather unity. Then you've got John 1:1 which everyone argues over the correct translation, so that's a stalemate. Every other "proof" text for the trinity is vague and a stretch to interpret that way, which is why many trinitarians will follow with, "God is mysterious and works in mysterious ways", or, "You're not reading it with the holy ghost's help" or some other nonsense. I hate to say it, but the bORG is more correct on the nature of God and Jesus than trinitarians are, which leads us to the "Who is Michael the Archangel?" question... My answer to that is- Who is buried in Grant's tomb? ;)
How many JW's are having doubts?
by Mickey mouse ini wonder what percentage of current jw's know it's not the truth but have too much invested to get out?
more importantly, how many of the gb know but have no where else to go?.
anyone care to hazard a guess?.
The Last Nephilim
What's worse- the ones who know it isn't the truth but trudge along anyway because of investment, or the ones who genuinely think it's the truth but pretend that sitting thru meetings/assemblies/conventions and going door to door makes them genuinely joyous??? I personally have seen too many, young & old, look me in the eye and tell me straight- faced that it truly makes them happy, but in their eyes and half- hearted smile you can see it isn't so...
Dr. Ehrman's "Problem" Verse
by hmike insome of you know about dr. bart ehrman.
for those who don't, dr. ehrman is a professor of religious studies at the university of north carolina, chapel hill, and has written several books including misquoting jesus: the story behind who changed the bible and why, in which he includes some biographical material.
in this book, ehrman recounts how he became a christian through a youth ministry while in high school, and he claimed to have had a genuine "born again" experience (although he doesn't give any details of what that experience was for him).
The Last Nephilim
...oh, 'scuse me! -
How many people did you bring into the j.ws & how many to jwd?
by karter incant remember how many i brought in , so far 1 to jwd.
The Last Nephilim
I brought my wife in, and although she doesn't have an account here, I read to her a lot of what I read and write here. She is in total agreement with me that we were deceived into thinking that the WTS is something that it is not!
Were Adam and Eve the only humans created?
by heyfea inmy husband asked me a questions that kind of stumped me for a moment.
he asked, in genesis, when cain killed abel, and god, as punishment cursed him and drove him from the land, making him a restless wanderer, why did cain say to god that the punishment was too hard; that anyone who found him would kill him?
who was going to kill him?
The Last Nephilim
I don't see any real significance in Eve saying that Seth was born in place of Able. She obviously missed Able, just as any parent would miss any of their children who had died. If you had 2 or 200 children, one of them died, and another of the same gender was born shortly after, would it be unreasonable to feel like the newborn was filling the void left by the deceased one? To me, Eve's statement neither proves that she had no other children between Able and Seth, nor does it prove that Seth was "special" in some way.
Who did you/do you want to be when you grew up?
by Crumpet inwhen i was 9 i wanted to be daisy duke from the dukes of hazzard, but had to put aside the dream when i realised my legs weren't going to ever get any longer.. when i was 12 i wanted to be ghandi, but realised wars wouldnt stop because i missed breakfast.. when i was 16 i decided that by leaving the borg and living fast and hard enough being alice cooper was achievable.. now i'm 32 i think i'd quite like to have the sensuous, striking confidence and certainty of helen mirren when i grow up.. who did you want to be and why?.
The Last Nephilim
As a young child, I was going to be the next Kareem Abdul- Jabbar, the next Conan the Barbarian, the next James Hetfield, or the next Rambo. In 8th grade our science teacher went around the room asking each student what he/she wanted to be. I boldly announced that I wanted to be a porn star. I got a paddling.
In 9th & 10th grade I was going to be a Marine Sniper. By the middle of my Junior year that had fizzled because my buddy who was going to go in with me found out that he couldn't be a Sniper due to the corrective lenses he wore. After I took the ASVAB test, the Navy recruiters came to my home to talk my father into letting me sign up for delayed entry (I was only 17). He wouldn't consent, saying that he didn't want to be a part of any decision I might later regret. THANK YOU, DAD! They were going to put me on a nuclear submarine, which at the time sounded cool but I later realized was a drag (underwater for up to 6 months at a time!!!). My senior year in HS I decided I was going to art college. I was going to specialize in metal sculpture. Being from a single parent family on a fixed (disability) income, I was assured full financial aid for at least the first year. That information proved incorrect, as on the third day of orientation I was booted for not having enough cash. The HOPE scholarship was not an option, since I graduated the year BEFORE it was started and as such, I was only eligible for certificate programs, not college degrees. The lady in the business office was in tears when I left. Then I did the stupidest thing in my entire life- I got married to my HS "sweetheart" who was a JW. Long story short, the result was NOT what I had in mind for my life!!!! -
100,000-year-old Human Skull Found
by Legolas in100,000-year-old skull delights scientists.
chinese researchers hail "greatest discovery since peking man".
beijing - an almost complete human skull fossil that could date back 100,000 years has been unearthed in china, state media said on wednesday, hailing it as the greatest discovery since peking man.. last month's find in xuchang, in the central province of henan, was made after two years of excavation just as two archaeologists were leaving for the lunar new year break, the china daily said.. "we expect more discoveries of importance," li zhanyang, archaeologist with the henan cultural relics and archaeology research institute, was quoted as saying.. the fossil consists of 16 pieces of the skull with protruding eyebrows and a small forehead.. "more astonishing than the completeness of the skull is that it still has a fossilized membrane on the inner side, so scientists can track the nerves of the paleolithic ancestors," li was quoted as saying.. besides the skull, more than 30,000 animal fossils, and stone and bone artifacts were found.. "the pieces of the human skull showed up just when archaeologists were going home for the spring festival," the newspaper said, referring to the new year holiday which officially begins next month.. peking man was discovered in the 1920s near beijing and dates back roughly to between 250,000 and 400,000 years.. http://www.thestar.com/sciencetech/article/296725.
The Last Nephilim
"...One of the reasons we know that the earth is less than 50,000 years old is because of the biblical record...
...Humans are naturally biased. We tend to see what we want to see, and explain away unwanted data..."
This is why the article in the link posted by jaguarbass(and hence, the bible) is no more believable than carbon-14 dating or the scientists who use it. -
100,000-year-old Human Skull Found
by Legolas in100,000-year-old skull delights scientists.
chinese researchers hail "greatest discovery since peking man".
beijing - an almost complete human skull fossil that could date back 100,000 years has been unearthed in china, state media said on wednesday, hailing it as the greatest discovery since peking man.. last month's find in xuchang, in the central province of henan, was made after two years of excavation just as two archaeologists were leaving for the lunar new year break, the china daily said.. "we expect more discoveries of importance," li zhanyang, archaeologist with the henan cultural relics and archaeology research institute, was quoted as saying.. the fossil consists of 16 pieces of the skull with protruding eyebrows and a small forehead.. "more astonishing than the completeness of the skull is that it still has a fossilized membrane on the inner side, so scientists can track the nerves of the paleolithic ancestors," li was quoted as saying.. besides the skull, more than 30,000 animal fossils, and stone and bone artifacts were found.. "the pieces of the human skull showed up just when archaeologists were going home for the spring festival," the newspaper said, referring to the new year holiday which officially begins next month.. peking man was discovered in the 1920s near beijing and dates back roughly to between 250,000 and 400,000 years.. http://www.thestar.com/sciencetech/article/296725.
The Last Nephilim
"...One of the reasons we know that the earth is less than 50,000 years old is because of the biblical record...
...Humans are naturally biased. We tend to see what we want to see, and explain away unwanted data..."
This is why the article (and hence, the bible) is no more believable than carbon-14 dating or the scientists who use it.